Sunday, October 14, 2007

McGuinty's liberals roll to Majority

As the liberals take up their seats in parliament with a majority government, Dalton McGuinty is they are given credit for their "carefully scripted election campaign that left little to chance". It worked though, didn't it? The liberal party is back for four more years, and a lot of that had to do with the campaign they chose. While the conservative party lost this election by a landslide, some of the reasons for this may not have been entirely fair. only 52% of eligible voters showed up to vote, leaving 48% of Canada's opinions unheard. This turnout was much lower then that of even 2004, which goes to say that politics is failing to reach people, especially the younger generations who are just recently becoming eligible to vote.
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In my opinion, I think most of Canada knew what the results of this election would be, and I also don't believe when the liberals are thought to have had the upper hand on the election. Sure, Tory is following the footsteps of controversial Mike Harris, but with the right publicity I strongly believe that the Conservatives could have beaten this bad reputation, so I don't think people can use Mike Harris as an excuse. It is also said by Henry Jacek in the article that the "religious schools funding issue cost the Tories the election". I believe that there is some truth in this statement, however I also think this issue is being used as an excuse. Of the 52% that voted, perhaps the Conservative party just wasn't the most popular!

The Liberal party also faced controversy during the election process, but they did not allow that to lose them the election. Dalton McGuinty was faced with constant accusations that he was a promise-breaker, but he fought back and was able to portray himself as the defender of Ontario's public education system. He also promised 17.9 billion dollars in expenditures, which is fantastic, my only question is how much of that 17.9 billion dollars is coming out of my pocket?
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There was also something new in elections this year, the proposal to change the electoral system from the current, to a mixed-member proportional system. I doubted the success of this referendum early on, and my hunch was correct. The referendum wasn't something people were very interested in. So our old methods are staying, and the new one died before it was even born, but whats so wrong with the old way of doing things anyway? Everything stays the same, at least for the next four years anyway, and I'm rather glad.
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This youtube video is a parody, encouraging the public to leave John Tory alone!

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