Sunday, November 11, 2007

Women and the innate interest they have on other women

In response to Jaime J. Weinman's article "The tabs: no men allowed", I agree with the problem, it is statistically proven that tabloids focus on women, and rarely talk about men. I think it is unnecessary however, that this happens, and don't agree with the reasoning behind it.

There are straightforward statistics in the article, proving the inequality in tabloids of male mentions compared to female mentions. The most mentioned female in the tabloid website TMZ is Britney Spears with 791 mentions. The most mentioned male on that same website was Mel Gibson, with only 67 mentions.

This is blatant gendered inequality, and according to the article, the columnists themselves are pointing this out. The reasoning behind it is apparently because most gossip readers are women, and writers are under the (false) impression that women prefer to read about other women.

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Sure, sometimes women love seeing other (especially younger, and more beautiful) women doing something wrong and getting busted for it, but at the same time these women also may enjoy seeing the perfect men as less then perfect too. Rather than ruining the fantasy of these men, I think knowing their flaws could make the men seem more realistic, and within reach to these women, so I disagree with the writers' reasoning.

The article says "women who read these magazines, at least subconsciously, imagine themselves as part of this world" and I find it kind of hard to believe that women imagine themselves in this world, but don't want to hear the dirt on the men, especially men in couples. If they are with another woman, women tend to create their own reasoning as to why they are with this other woman, and not them. If there is something wrong with them, like they have a serious drug problem, that is a fairly good reasoning. But what do I know, I like a good Lindsay Lohan bashing as much as the next woman.

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